Avenue Lifestyle: 5 Signs He Likes You
Avenue Lifestyle: 5 Signs He/She Likes You
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PhotoCred: Unsplash Images.
Effort is attractive as they say and we all love it when a relationship is growing with a beautiful build up filled with thrills, excites and a rush of the heart. So let's get to it. How do you know if he/she likes you more than just a friend...
1. Effort - They see you. They communicate and light up whenever they're with you. You're one of their motivations and they don't hide it. They can make sure you see that they are present in your life and want you to enjoy their company over the phone or hanging out.
2. Clarity - They don't hide their feelings. They can flirt or be available or grab any opportunity to spend more time with you. The subtle hints such as winking, sneaking hugs, stealing glances and compliments so you can know what's up is the icing on the cake. They don't send mixed signals unless they're afraid of rejection or are afraid of coming too strong or you not seeing their signal is for love not friendship. Contact your service provider ASAP OR YOU'LL MISS OUT.
3. Attraction - Yes, there's just something about you that makes their heart skip a beat. It could be your smile, the way you speak. Your lifestyle or goofiness. They're drawn to you and find it cute or hot. It's that definition of you they brag to their friends or heart about to. Attraction seals the deal, it's more of providing the tone of what's going on here, I really like this person and I want them to be with Me.
4. They Ask You Out - It's not always that they do this because cold feet are a thing. Some can just keep it a secret hoping for the courage to ask you. I mean if someone likes you why wouldn't they ask you out? They definitely will want to go on a date with you. That's another step where both of you get to unearth certs details about yourselves and the intentions become clear before the relationship kicks off. The date is the anniversary of a beautiful beginning between two people.
5. You Bring Out Their Best - Like I said, you become one of their motivations. There's just something about you that makes them want to be a better person because love is a joy, a great feeling and experience that can make us be at our best. They can feel like ever since they've met you they have more hope.
There are many reasons why someone likes you and these are our top 5. The signs are always there but often at times we ignore them based on many reasons because at times the guy or girl who likes you may not be who you imagined so you deny yourself a chance to truly know them as your potential partner. It's a beautiful thing to fall in love and we hope this was very helpful.
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