Faith Avenue: Connecting To The Source Of Grace
Faith Avenue: Connecting To The Source Of Grace SATURDAY, JANUARY 21ST, 2023. DIVINE CONNECTION DAILY DEVOTIONAL BY OLADELE T•E THEME: CONNECTING TO THE SOURCE OF GRACE! TEXT: [NLT] EPHESIANS 6:24 May God's grace be upon all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love. God is liberal with His grace but only with towards those who love Him with an undying love. You can love God with a dying love and with an undying love. It is when you love God with an undying love that He will lavish you with His grace. God is source of grace and you can't be connected to Him for His grace to flow upon you until you love Him with an undying love. An undying love is a permanent, never-ending and infinite love. An undying love is a love that is true, sincere and deep. You can't love God truly, sincerely and deeply without lavishing His grace upon you because His grace is specially for those who love Him. To enjoy more of the grace of God, you have to love Him m...