
Showing posts with the label Faith Avenue

Faith Avenue: Connecting To The Source Of Grace

Faith Avenue: Connecting To The Source Of Grace SATURDAY, JANUARY 21ST, 2023. DIVINE CONNECTION DAILY DEVOTIONAL BY OLADELE T•E THEME: CONNECTING TO THE SOURCE OF GRACE! TEXT: [NLT] EPHESIANS 6:24 May God's grace be upon all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love. God is liberal with His grace but only with towards those who love Him with an undying love. You can love God with a dying love and with an undying love. It is when you love God with an undying love that He will lavish you with His grace. God is source of grace and you can't be connected to Him for His grace to flow upon you until you love Him with an undying love. An undying love is a permanent, never-ending and infinite love. An undying love is a love that is true, sincere and deep. You can't love God truly, sincerely and deeply without lavishing His grace upon you because His grace is specially for those who love Him. To enjoy more of the grace of God, you have to love Him m...

Faith Avenue: Don't Pretend

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18TH, 2022. DIVINE CONNECTION DAILY DEVOTIONAL BY OLADELE T•E THEME: DON'T PRETEND! TEXT: [NLT] ROMANS 12:9 Don't just pretend that you love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Stand on the side of the good. Showing love to others is something that so many people don't find it easy doing. Showing love to others as commanded by God must be done with absolute sincerity. Love must be without any iota of pretense. It's either you show love to others or you don't. Pretending to love others is hypocrisy of the highest order and it is actually very wrong anytime any day. The word coming to you today is that you shouldn't pretend that you love others when you can actually love them sincerely, deeply and truly. Anything whatsoever that God commands you to do, He doesn't want you to hide under pretense while doing it but to do it with sincerity and that is exactly what will ensure that you don't go unrewarded. According to th...

Faith Avenue: Protocols That Can Be Broken By Your Obedience

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9TH, 2022. DIVINE CONNECTION DAILY DEVOTIONAL BY OLADELE T•E THEME: THE PROTOCOLS THAT CAN BE BROKEN BY YOUR OBEDIENCE [SERIES 4] TEXT: [AMP] 2 KINGS 5:14 Then he went down and dipped himself seven times in the Jordan, as the man of God had said, and his flesh was restored like that of a little child, and he was clean. Obedience to God is a protocol breaker because it tends to always break every protocol that had been denying the obedient access to all that is rightfully his or hers. There are so many things that are rightfully yours but had been forcefully taken away from you which can only be restored by your obedience to God's Word. There is a protocol that stands to forcefully take away from a man all that is rightfully his and that protocol can be broken just by an act of obedience to God. In other words, obedience to God can bring about restoration. There is absolutely nothing that had been forcefully taken away from you that cannot be restored...

Faith Avenue: The Protocols That Can Be Broken By Your Faith.

Faith Avenue: The Protocols That Can be Broken By Your Faith. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4TH, 2022. DIVINE CONNECTION DAILY DEVOTIONAL BY OLADELE T•E THEME: THE PROTOCOLS THAT CAN BE BROKEN BY YOUR FAITH [SERIES 3] TEXT: [MSB] HEBREWS 11:6 It's impossible to please God apart from faith. And why? Because anyone who wants to approach God must believe both that he exists and that he cares enough to respond to those who seek him. There is a protocol that can be broken by fixing your faith in God Himself and that protocol is the protocol of seeking Him in vain. There is a result that comes with seeking God and that result is that you will definitely find Him. Without faith, it is very very impossible for you to seek God and find Him. It is your faith in God that will break the protocol that wants you to keep seeking Him in vain. The work that your faith does in seeking God is that it helps you to acknowledge Him for who He is and then helps you to find Him. To truly acknowledge God fo...

Faith Avenue: A Product Of God's Help

Faith Avenue: A Product Of God's Help WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26TH, 2022. DIVINE CONNECTION DAILY DEVOTIONAL BY OLADELE T•E THEME: A PRODUCT OF GOD'S HELP! TEXT: [NKJV] JOHN 5:8-9 Jesus said to him, "Rise, take up your bed and walk." [9] And immediately the man was made well, took up his bed, and walked. And that day was the Sabbath. A product of God's help is a result or an evidence of God's help. When the help of God is released to a man and that help successfully delivers solution to the unpleasant situation affecting him, then he can indeed be regarded as a product of God's help. When the help of God is released to the advantage of a man that has been disadvantaged, the result that follows becomes so evident that the man himself and other people around him would recognize that it is God that has indeed showed up for him. The help of God is the solution provided by God and released to solve or fix the problems of an helpless or a disadvantaged ma...

Faith Avenue: Keep Anticipating

Faith Avenue: Keep Anticipating! FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16TH, 2022.DIVINE CONNECTION DAILY DEVOTIONAL BY OLADELE T•ETHEME: KEEP ANTICIPATING! TEXT: [NKJV] 1 SAMUEL 1:18And she said, "Let your maidservant find favor in your sight." So the woman went her way and ate, and her face was no longer sad.To keep anticipating for something is to eagerly wait for something. You can't be trusting God for something and not keep anticipating for it. As a matter of fact, whatever you are looking for is also looking for you and you will only find it when you keep anticipating for it. That you have prayed and prayed about something and not received it yet doesn't mean you should stop praying about it. Before you give up on God, the devil has been nursing the intention to give up on you. So you have to keep your wholehearted trust in God and keep anticipating for the best that is to come from Him to you. The best attitude to clothe yourself with after mak...

Faith Avenue: Pray Through

Faith Avenue with Oladele Tobiloba Emmanuel.  THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15TH, 2022. DIVINE CONNECTION DAILY DEVOTIONAL BY OLADELE T•E THEME: PRAY THROUGH! TEXT: [NLT] 1 SAMUEL 1:2 Elkanah had two wives, Hannah and Peninnah. Peninnah had children, while Hannah did not. Praying through is very much expedient when one ought to make a notable progress but couldn't make it due to an unknown circumstance. The progress of a woman is to later become a mother. Elkanah had two wives who ought to make progress to become mothers but only one became a mother while the other could not because the Lord had shut up her womb. Hannah knew she wasn't making progress as a wife because she ought to have become a mother just like her rivalry. In life, there is a certain level of progress that you have to make in order to measure up to a notable societal standard which can be in terms of education, marriage, etc. Certain circumstances might not allow you to make notable progress in ...

Faith Avenue with Oladele Tobiloba Emmanuel

Faith Avenue: Magnifying God's Word WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7TH, 2022. DIVINE CONNECTION DAILY DEVOTIONAL BY OLADELE T•E THEME: MAGNIFYING GOD'S WORD! TEXT: [NKJV] PSALM 138:2 I will worship toward Your holy temple, And praise Your name For Your lovingkindness and Your truth; For You have magnified Your word above all Your name. As this season has been declared your season of double honour, one thing is expedient for you to do as a Christ believer and that's magnifying God's Word above anything else. God Himself magnifies His Word above all His name and it is expected of you to also magnify His Word above everything so that you can enjoy the due benefits embedded in His Word. Magnifying God's Word is what you need to do to please Him. Magnifying God's Word is what you need to get the desires of your heart from Him. Magnifying God's Word is what you need to have a stable relationship with Him. How important God's Word is to you will determine how...

Faith Avenue: Insight On God's Will

Faith Avenue With Oladele Tobiloba Emmanuel We touch on God's will and understanding it. Here's more insight.  THURSDAY, JULY 28TH, 2022. DIVINE CONNECTION DAILY DEVOTIONAL BY OLADELE T•E THEME: DON'T LIVE CARELESSLY! TEXT: [MSB] EPHESIANS 5:17 Don't live carelessly, unthinkingly. Make sure you understand what the Master wants. Living a well pleasing life as a Christ believer is simply choosing not to live carelessly. To live a well pleasing life, there's something that you need to understand and that's what the Lord wants. Necessity is laid upon you as a Christ believer to understand what the Lord wants and then live according to what He wants. How do you know what the Lord wants? It's simply His will and since the will of God is the Word of God, then it's very easy to know that what you ought to understand to live a life that's well pleasing to the Lord is His will. Your struggle to live a life that's well pleasing to the Lord will ...

Faith Avenue: Fulfilment Of Promises

Faith Avenue with Oladele Tobiloba Emmanuel. A happy and blessed Tuesday to all. Thank you for joining us. Today we touch on God's promises over our lives and how he can never fail us. Here's your daily slice of faith served always fresh.  TUESDAY, JULY 26TH, 2022. DIVINE CONNECTION DAILY DEVOTIONAL BY OLADELE T•E THEME: THE APPOINTED TIME OF FULFILMENT! TEXT: [NKJV] GENESIS 18:14 Is anything too hard for the LORD? At the appointed time I will return to you, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son." For every promise made, there's an appointment time of fulfilment allotted to them. When God sends a word of promise to a man, there's an appointment time for that promise to be fulfilled. God has appointed a time for the fulfilment of His promises for your life and at that time He has appointed, He'll definitely do what He has promised to do. For an appointment time of fulfilment to be allotted, one's wholehearted trust must be in ...

Faith Avenue: Act On The Word Of God

Faith Avenue with Oladele Tobiloba Emmanuel: Acting On The Word Of God.  A blessed Sunday and another fresh serve of faith. Highly essential.  SUNDAY, JULY 24TH, 2022. DIVINE CONNECTION DAILY DEVOTIONAL BY OLADELE T•E THEME: ACT ON THE WORD! TEXT: [MSB] JAMES 1:22 Don't fool yourself into thinking that you are a listener when you are anything but, letting the Word go in one ear and out the other. Act on what you hear! Acting on the Word of God is one of the responsibilities of every Christ believer because as much as hearing the Word is important, acting on the Word is very much important. Hearing the Word of God is an act of building up the faith that would influence the confidence to take steps or work on what has been heard to get an evident transforming supernatural result. The things that God will do in and through you can only start becoming evident when you begin to act on the Word of God. The Word of God is what influences the work of God. God can only work...

Faith Avenue: Kindness & Restoration

Faith Avenue with Oladele Tobiloba Emmanuel.  A brand new for your fresh serve of faith and empowerment.  MONDAY, JULY 18TH, 2022. DIVINE CONNECTION DAILY DEVOTIONAL BY OLADELE T•E THEME: KINDNESS AND RESTORATION! TEXT: [NIV] 2 SAMUEL 9:7 "Don't be afraid," David said to him, "for I will surely show you kindness for the sake of your father Jonathan. I will restore to you all the land that belonged to your grandfather Saul, and you will always eat at my table." The strong connection between kindness and restoration cannot be overemphasized because through kindness, what had been considered lost can be completely restored. One of the mediums that God can deploy in restoring back the losses of a man is by connecting him with men that can show tender love and kindness to him. Restoration is part of what God has planned to make happen in your life and He's definitely going to successfully carry the plan out through men that He'll compel to show ki...

Faith Avenue: Diligence & How it Works.

Faith Avenue with Oladele Tobiloba Emmanuel  THURSDAY, JUNE 30TH, 2022. DIVINE CONNECTION DAILY DEVOTIONAL BY OLADELE T•E THEME: FIND FREEDOM IN YOUR WORK! TEXT: [MSB] PROVERBS 12:24 The diligent find freedom in their work; the lazy are oppressed by work. The freedom in what you do can only be found when you're diligent with what you're doing. Diligence is what gives the freedom that you need to be free from every form of oppression, pressure and instability. As Christ believers, the freedom that God wants you to experience in all aspects of your life is tied to your diligence. Nothing else guarantees you victory over pressures of life like being diligent with what you do because even when what you're doing has not been or isn't yielding any result, your diligence will definitely dig out the freedom that you need to be stable and be able to match up with fullness of all that has connected you to as your source of sufficiency. Laziness or being slothful does ...

Faith Avenue: The Encompassing Mercy Of God

Faith Avenue with Oladele Tobiloba Emmanuel Happy New Month & God Bless ❤️💯!! God's mercy is truly amazing and comes through, here's insight into it.  WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1ST, 2022. DIVINE CONNECTION DAILY DEVOTIONAL BY OLADELE T•E THEME: THE EMCOMPASSING MERCY! TEXT: [NKJV] PSALM 32:10 Many sorrows shall be to the wicked; But he who trusts in the LORD, mercy shall surround him. On the journey of life, getting to the destination of the expected end that God has given to you to reach is going to be greatly determined on the mercy He has released to surround your life all through the journey. What is definitely going to make a man to successfully reach the expected end that God has given him to reach is the mercy that has been released from above to surround him. Without the encompassing mercy of God, there's bound to be darkness and doom on the journey of destiny fulfilment that would want to stop you from reaching the expected end that you're expected to re...

Faith Avenue: Start Living The New Life

Faith Avenue with Oladele Tobiloba Emmanuel Welcome Back. Today we tap into a new life and how we can get to it. Check it out below: TUESDAY, MAY 31ST, 2022 DIVINE CONNECTION DAILY DEVOTIONAL BY OLADELE T•E THEME: START LIVING YOUR NEW LIFE! TEXT: [NLT] GALATIANS 5:16 So I advise you to live according to your new life in the Holy Spirit. Then you won't be doing what your sinful nature craves. . Most times when you find it difficult to stop doing what your sinful nature is craving for, you tend to forget that there's nothing that you can do other than to start living according to your new life in the Holy Spirit. Your struggles to live to please God won't end until you start living your new found life in the Holy Spirit. There's a life that comes through the Holy Spirit and that life is the same life that's in Christ Jesus. The life that's in Christ is a life that can always influence you to do all that's according to the will of God and you need ...

Faith Avenue with Oladele Tobiloba Emmanuel

Faith Avenue with Oladele Tobiloba Emmanuel FRIDAY, APRIL 29TH, 2022. DIVINE CONNECTION DAILY DEVOTIONAL BY OLADELE T•E THEME: LIVE A THANKFUL LIFE! TEXT: [MSB] 1 THESSALONIANS 5:18 Thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live. Living a thankful life is the kind of life that God wants anyone who is in Christ Jesus to live. No matter what happens, it's expedient for you as a Christ believer to live a thankful life always. Whatever might be happening to you right now is a sign that a wonder is going to happen very soon because what's happening is no way near what is going to happen. What's happening might not look like what God told you or what He promised to do in your life but be rest assured that something amazing and miraculous is going to happen after what's happening to you right now. It isn't easy to thank God in every situation but the Word of God says that's the right thing for you to do in...

Faith Avenue: With Oladele Tobiloba Emmanuel

Faith Avenue: With Oladele Tobiloba Emmanuel THURSDAY, MARCH 31ST, 2022. DIVINE CONNECTION DAILY DEVOTIONAL BY OLADELE T•E THEME: MAKE GOD YOUR HOME! TEXT: [AMP] PSALMS 91:9-10 Because you have made the Lord your refuge, and the Most High your dwelling place, [10] There shall no evil befall you, nor any plague or calamity come near your tent. God is a home to every Christ believer because it's in Him that they all live, that they all move and that they all have their being (Acts 17:28). Your life would absolutely become vulnerable when you refuse to stay in God or make Him your very own home. The name of the Lord alone can accommodate you and keep you safe in times of trouble when you call upon that name because it's a strong tower to a righteous man (Proverbs 18:10). So making God your home becomes possible when you're at peace with Him and you're in Him. [AMP] Colossians 3:3 says; For [as far as this world is concerned] you have died, and your [new, real] ...