Avenue Lifestyle: Spice Up Your Life!
Avenue Lifestyle: Spice Up Your Life! Get Your Groove On. PhotoCred: Cottonbro - Pexels Images Life is so much fun if we leave out the bad events we are met with. We're overcomers and we should look forward to living with no regrets but Love. Peace & Praise to God. You don't have to wait to get married, get that job or break your virginity to be happy or accepted. You don't have to be validated without first loving yourself enough to do right by you. It's like this, you cannot find it easy to love others while difficult loving yourself. PhotoCred: Hamann La - Pexels Images Yes! People can make you feel unlovable like a complete waste of space but what they say or do doesn't matter because unless you're happy with yourself you'll have no trouble dealing with that and most people are usually projecting. They see you strong where they're weak and they attack because they'd love to be in your shoes but don't know how. A cry for help isn't...