Avenue Music: Eric Jr's In Pieces with Style!
Avenue Music: Broken By Eric Jr. Eric Jr. Eric Jr released his second single this year after the success of his EP titled Relentless which was full of passion, collaborations, realism and ambition. Now he's on a fresh new guitar driven record that's sonically pleasing with a feel good tone while lyrically he engages on the rough moments he's been met with throughout from betrayal to setback and how he wants to win. Official Artwork. Interesting flows, catchy hooks and some sweet harmonies capture the moment, he knows how to hold his own and is shaping out to be an act to look out for. Last Year He was listed as an Artist On Watch for the Year End Awards and with this record he proved that he's definitely one of the greatest in the making. There's no indication yet of whether this single will be part of an EP/Album or it's just a standalone project. Either way it's good music. We give it 5/5 stars. Link: Official Audio Thank You for Joining Us. ...