Entertainment Avenue: Savage Beauty

Entertainment Avenue: What's Steaming - Savage Beauty

It's available on Netflix, you better check it. It's such a powerful and compelling story with strong performances from the great Nthati Moshesh, Dumisani Mbhebe, Nambitha Ben-Mazwi, Rosemary Zimu & Angela Sithole.
Premiered worldwide on May 12. The story revolves the beauty industry and the Bhengu Beauty empire which is under threat over their dark and gritty past, yes!! Some had to get their hands dirty to harvest the crop but that's garden work isn't it? But with them..they experimented on minors and left them to die afterwards but little did they know, some would survive and never forget. Rosemary Zimu portrays Zinhle, she comes across as naive and a yes girl but it's play pretend in the name of revenge. Grace & Thando give us house wives drama which is golden, their chemistry is flame grilled spicy. 
The sibling rivalry wasn't as chaotic but it served its purpose. Zinhle managed to isolate Don and go in for the kill, well at least that's what she thought. The build up and pacing was so pleasant, you just didn't wanna miss out. The locations were so Impressive and wow give that someone a raise. 
The ending wasn't a fave but from a writer's point of view it's understandable. That's not what every viewer expected. We expect a huge blowout that left the Bhengus shaken but instead we got a different ending. We cannot wait for Season 2. 

The show overall is youthful, vibrant, strong, gripping and intense. You'll enjoy it. Also the romance and comical tones are well placed that you will be satisfied with this buffet. If you haven't watched it. Go check it out. One of the best shows released this year so far!! 


Nthati Moshesh
Dumisani Mbhebe
Rosemary Zimu
Mpho Sebeng
Angela Sithole
Nambitha Ben-Mazwi
Jesse Suntele
Oros Mampofu 
John Ncamane
Tina Redman 

PhotoCred: Themba Mbuyisa Archive on Facebook
@ActorSpaces on Facebook

Here's the trailer.

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