Mzansi Avenue: New Year's Resolutions

 New Year's Resolutions

Every year, we all make resolutions or set goals and objectives we wish to accomplish, however, achieving these goals can sometimes prove to be problematic. Most of us have at least two objectives that we do not accomplish. Sometimes we meet challenges that make us deviate from our resolutions or we lose focus and simply give up on a particular objective or resolution. There are ways in which we can achieve our resolutions though, it's all in the planning...

planning for New Year's resolutions does not have to be something outstanding or something huge; the best way is to have simple resolutions that are achievable. One quick tip is to not have resolutions that are financially bound because finance or money problems are unpredictable, and you might find yourself giving up on those resolutions.  If you are going to have resolutions that are tied to finances, let them be reasonable and in line with your income. Don't bite off more than you can chew because you will find yourself financially strained. 

Always have a timeframe for your objectives and resolutions and make sure you try your level best to achieve your goal within the set period. Some examples of reasonable resolution include being more discipline, weight loss, quitting or limiting unhealthy habits and being more active. 

Disciple can include a lot of things, but it is best to start with something simple like having a schedule or routine that you will follow and stick to. Make friends with an alarm clock that will constantly remind you of your schedule and keep you on track. for instance, your waking time and your sleep time, when you cook and when you do laundry and dishes. have a schedule for such activities and stick to it. 

If you are planning on working on your physical self, be reasonable about it. Do not expect to lose a large amount of weight in a short period, like losing 30KG in three months. It's not really impossible but think of the time and adjustments needed to lose such weight. When you set your weight loss target, you should be reasonable in how your diet will change and if your workout schedule will fit into your daily routine. 

Most of us have a habit that we've wanted to quit, but we want to do it very sudden and end up either relapsing into the habit again or not quitting at all. It is easier to start small by limiting how much or often you engage in that habit, set mini goals that will lead up to quitting that habit. For instance, if you want to quit drinking, start by not drinking every weekend and drink every second weekend. As time goes on, drink every third weekend and maybe once a month. Soon, you'll find yourself drinking on special occasions and maybe not drinking at all...

Resolutions require baby steps, so take it easy, one day at a time

Written by: Sthembiso Godi

Facebook: Sthembiso Godie


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