The Sunday Confessions With McKing: Give Love A Chance
Avenue Lifestyle: The Sunday Confessions With McKing
A Confession Over Tea
Not just any Tea but Tetley's Premium Blend Black Tea.
While I'm a hopeless romantic and sentimental person, at times I feel like relationships are pointless. It's a lot of work, investing in a two people thing without knowing where it'll end up as it progresses. I love romcoms and I believe in love, strongly believe. I'm known as Love's biggest fan.
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My love life hasn't been sparkling wine and confetti I've had many misses than I did hits. What I wanted flatlined like I had pancakes for breakfast and the syrup was just grease I had to clean up. What I'm saying is i ended up giving up completely, I wanted nothing to do with love. I was satisfied with being single or so I thought. I was at point where my expectations were at an all time low. I didn't hope in someone but I kept hearing people say "There's no way a guy like you can be single" "You seem like a player" "Too good to be true, your good intentions are alarming" it put me in a space where I didn't know how to function anymore, they had ideas about me. I didn't invite these thoughts and I don't know how they were triggered. At times they thought I was high maintenance when I'm that guy who adores the simple and littlest of things in life. Also that I'm intimidating? I don't know...
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It created stumbling blocks not only for Me but for those who were interested. I applaud those who were bold enough to say "McKing I dig you, let's go out on a date" because the daring are still alive and kicking. We all want love but at times we struggle to find the one or the one comes packaged different than we ordered or expected so we reject them until we see their worth too little too late. Somebody call Jojo she needs to belt.
PhotoCred: Unsplash Images
What I'm saying is it's crazy to be in a relationship if you're uncertain or your track record isn't impressive you end up with self esteem issues or are tip toeing around people and end up sabotaging your own happiness based on past experiences. The past should never function in the present where it's no longer relevant. If you want to be in a relationship go for it with the best intentions and how do you know if he or she is the one? Both of you need to work on that. It can't be about you, remember it's a two people get together. If one is distracted while one is present then you know the alarm is on, don't hit snooze. Its no easy street and at times we need to reevaluate, examine ourselves: Why do we want a relationship? Is it for bragging rights? Do we want someone to show off to others? Are we ready for the good and bad? The ugly and the beautiful? Are you in a position to love someone and be consistent with your love? What happens when the honeymoon fades? No one wants to stay after that, they always run but know when to run and when to stay. How will I know?
Is it a season where your partner is going through something difficult and needs space? If they communicate then yeah.
Are you always questioning your place in their life? Clarity is important. Confusion is never a good thing.
Are you talking about progress and where the relationship is going? It's easy to say but difficult to do. Pay attention to the action. I can say we're going to Mauritius but check in the middle of nowhere.
Do you both want the same things? Do you communicate without tip toeing around each other afraid of offending one another? Have those uncomfortable conversations. A relationship isn't only about the good times, it's overcoming and supporting each other even through the differences..
Your partner can be checking out other people infront of you or have a dating app, maybe they are still looking or aren't sure about you but always know where you stand.
Is sex the deal breaker?
Why did you two come together? To be in love or to pass time? Or you like the way he smiles or her sexy curves?
Many things trigger why we fall for someone and sometimes it's not a permanent thing, we get to know the person and realize we got it wrong. We always have ideas of the kind of person we want then we expect our partners to act as that when they don't have a clue or we just someone who is too perfect without a flaw. I can confess I've been guilty of this, wanting someone who ticks everything right and nothing wrong but we forget our own scars and baggage expecting someone to love that part of us. You won't find someone who has it all together. Some may be emotionally unavailable, physically active, unemployed, with addictions, unhealthy habits and they'll always put their best foot forward trying to impress you but get to know them without the filters. Many people know what it's like when the sun is shining in a relationship so when it storms they think it's the end, they run away. Work on that. I confess that I no longer make unnecessary effort to look like a movie star all the time and try to win someone over the best parts, I also introduce my scars with my stars. If you wanna go into a relationship do it for the right reasons and remember it's not just about you. Team effort is required.
Thank You For Joining Us.
I'm McKing, Kisses & Cupcakes to you.
Remember these Confessions are brought to you by Tetley. Unlock The Magical Taste.
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