Avenue Lifestyle: Figuring Faith
Avenue Lifestyle: Figuring Faith
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Faith isn't Easy to Grasp and Maintain especially during the cold season. Harsh conditions that require you to burn like a lamp, like a fire for the Lord and not let the ice put you out.
Happy Sunday & God Bless.
The Third Month Of The Year, we hope with each day you're getting closer to your desired destinations but one destination is Christ. Many people tend to find it hard to maintain and stay in the Faith because a flow of trials, too many troubles feel like torture they can't handle. Today we talk about how the walk of Faith is and how we can stay in Christ.
We as believers have moments where we question God's existence especially through the toughest trials of our lives. Everything feels so hard, exhausting and discouraging that we feel like throwing in the towel, wondering if this Faith will ever amount to anything. It's never easy to hold on and remain firm in the storm. We are calm before the storm and a great panic in the storm.
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We often see it as a great distress, we just want out of it. We don't want another experience or moment of it because it feels uncomfortable, challenging, unkind and ruthless, the brutality has many tapping out or begging for mercy and in those times we should trust God but our focus is on the many questions that just threaten our faith as we worry and eventually feel like there's no way out.
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We let our troubles make us sideline God. We forget who he is because the problem feels too much and taxing that we just need him to eliminate it. Sometimes God allows it to happen for a greater purpose in the bible there are references of Gold/Silver being refined (Psalm 66:10) as the psalmist notes how God's people went through fire and flood but are now rejoicing of God's great Love
Our Faith is something we try to measure and figure out. We set limitations on: "Can God really save me from this?" "Will this ever end?" "i don't have it in Me" "I have Faith but why am I troubled? Am I praying wrong?"
Remember that the floods came in, the storms hit but the house was left standing so don't let passing storms be the final episode of your life. He who formed you has complete Power, Authority and Control. (Psalm 62:11) reminds us that Power belongs to him alone so why should we be shaken by the troubles of the world, troubles from the kingdom of darkness that Christ already defeated? God is our Victor. It's not easy to completely trust God when we're holding on to what could go wrong or if we want to be in control of the situation when we should let God take the spotlight and show off what he does best.
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You don't have to know the answers but you can trust him. How can you trust God? First in order to trust this great and righteous Father draw closer to him, believe in him, experience him. There are many ways to know God. Knowing He's truly a Savior, you're in the storm so won't he save you?
Your faith shouldn't be controlled by events that you see and make you conclude that it's hopeless. It should be on Him who is able to equip you, He who gives Victory. For when God steps in for you, you'll never taste defeat. You won't know the recipe or the ingredients but Victory is yours but let God be God and don't let your emotions steer you away.
When we feed on Christ our Faith is strengthened, Refreshed, Amplified because he's the Life giving God. He's the great I Am. Have your eyes on him like Daniel (Chapter 6:1-26) you shall see that God always comes through. Figuring out your Faith or growing in Christ requires you to be in uncomfortable spaces like trials and tribulations, persecutions where even though everything seems against you, you're able to praise and trust in God. Don't rush the process, babies crawl before they walk. The chef doesn't just serve a meal out of nowhere. He gets cooking so when you trust in God some days you'll feel discouraged, you'll feel like it's pointless but keep on for the situation isn't powerful but only God is. Stop trying to tell him what to do, how to save you. Seek him in submission, in believing and trust. He will lead you out of Egypt. He will tell you how to capture Jericho and go into the Promised Land. He will turn your sorrow into Joy (Psalm 30:11)
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Personally I went through hectic seasons that felt destructive, I would cry myself to sleep, roll on the floor in tears, scream, I didn't understand why God let me go through so much pain and suffering it felt so severe I was convinced I wasn't going to be the same, I thought I would be cold as ice and hard as stone but he kept me going even when I wanted to give up. When I had given up on Me, he kept pushing me to get back up, at times it felt like a trick because I would get up only to be pushed down, it felt cruel until it felt like a space for Me to see God for who he is, with each day I got to realize that the fire wasn't destructive but it was refining for his perfect will. His Love kept me going and I felt so stupid for not trusting him from the beginning. I just wanted out not knowing his intentions. With God we know no destruction but Salvation and Life no one can take away from Us but we allow ourselves to be shaken and victimized when we are sons and daughters of the Almighty Great King. Victors!! So let's remember our identity so we don't see the troubles as a threat when God always proves that no weapon can hurt us. (Isaiah 54:15)
So today if you're still growing in the Faith. Don't trust yourself to emotions or negative conclusions but to God who has great plans for you. It may be hard to comprehend, carry on but it's about who is with you that matters. No one ever lost with God. Not even Samson. Everyone thought Jesus was done for until He Rose on the Third Day. So God knows why you're in that Season. It's not death, it's transformation the God way.
We hope this helps you.
God Bless You More & More
Draw Closer to God. Submit to his ways and let him have his way. Don't be stubborn to his will or ways. His Love is greater than what we go through. He is Love. Love Wins. ❤️💯
Thank You For Joining Us.
Until Next Time
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