Faith Avenue: Keep Anticipating

Faith Avenue: Keep Anticipating!


TEXT: [NKJV] 1 SAMUEL 1:18And she said, "Let your maidservant find favor in your sight." So the woman went her way and ate, and her face was no longer sad.To keep anticipating for something is to eagerly wait for something. You can't be trusting God for something and not keep anticipating for it. As a matter of fact, whatever you are looking for is also looking for you and you will only find it when you keep anticipating for it. That you have prayed and prayed about something and not received it yet doesn't mean you should stop praying about it. Before you give up on God, the devil has been nursing the intention to give up on you. So you have to keep your wholehearted trust in God and keep anticipating for the best that is to come from Him to you. The best attitude to clothe yourself with after making your requests known to God through prayers and supplications with thanksgiving is to keep anticipating for what He is about to do in your life.After making your requests known to God through prayers and supplications with thanksgiving, you don't have to go back to complaining, worrying and murmuring but rather go back to anticipating. When you keep on anticipating for what God wants to do in your life, you are simply telling Him that you are eagerly waiting for Him to glorify Himself in your life. After Hannah was provoked by her rival Penninah because the Lord had shut up her womb, she went to pray to God about what she had been anticipating to have and become. Hannah had been anticipating to have a child and become a mother. After she had prayed, she went her way and ate, and her face was no longer sad. She was sad, worried and sorrowful before she prayed but after praying to God, she went back to keep anticipating for what she had been expecting from God.No matter how much disappointed you are about having not received answers to your prayers, please don't stop anticipating. God is not through with you yet because He is busy making necessary arrangements in response to what you have been asking and trusting Him for. God is working on that which you have asked of Him and He is keen on releasing it to you if only you won't stop praying and keep anticipating. Hannah was weeping and couldn't eat before she went before the Lord to pray but immediately after she had prayed, she never went back to weeping but rather choose to eagerly wait for what the Lord was set to do in response to what she had prayed concerning. I don't know what you have trusting God for over the years but my sincere counsel to you today is this; Keep praying about it and keep anticipating for it because God is definitely going to surprise you with what you have been eagerly waiting for.

PRAYER: Father, I thank You for Your Word. Now that I know that You are working on that which I have asked of You and You are keen on releasing it to me if only I won't stop praying and stop anticipating for it. Please Lord, help me to always anticipate for what You are about to do in my life so that what I have been eagerly waiting for can come to pass in Jesus Christ name.

Thank You For Joining Us.
Until Next Time.
Stay Blessed. 


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