Avenue Lifestyle: Self Love, Something's Gotta Give...

Avenue Lifestyle: Self Love

Written By: McKing N Ngobeni.

Loving others is easy they say but we're like mirrors, we treat others how we feel at times or we give the love we need most to others hoping to get it back but if we aren't happy with ourselves no matter the compliments and attention we will still feel empty and incomplete.

Loving yourself doesn't mean you point out what makes you feel good about yourself, No!! Even your flaws, no need to filter them out. If you run away from a part of you you're not helping. Nobody's perfect it's a popular chart topping chorus we jam to but we need to own up, be accountable for ourselves and our actions. Make room to learn, improve and progress. A lot of times we throw certain parts of ourselves in the basement with hope that it'll never surface. We try to present ourselves as always fit and the day we break we wonder where is everyone? But you gave them the impression that you're always good even when they reach out they felt shut out this started within and reflected/ impacted the outside. Love yourself enough to call for help when you're stuck in a ditch, nothing wrong with that. No man is an island. Love yourself enough to forgive others and you too if there's something you did you're not proud of, beating yourself about it doesn't help. Do away with facades and what would make others happy. "Are you happy with yourself?" Beyoncé sang on Pretty Hurts. If you go out to be someone you're not to please a crowd, you lose yourself and end up distorted without a clear identity. Self Love means being you, embracing you and working on being a better version of you with each day: comes learning, experiences, tension stories, love, healing, hurting, falling, rising, opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses. Many things that we try to bottle up end up affecting us indirectly. We need to be aware of our emotions, thoughts and feelings, where are they taking us? What are we feeding on? Are my habits self love or hate? How do I genuinely feel about myself? What's my biggest problem? What's my biggest blessing? What am I affirming? What kind of company am I keeping? Who can see right through me? Who saw my worst and stayed? Who only wanted my best? Am I doing this because I love it or it's for approval? How will this approval help me?

I could go on and on..I realized I loved myself even I was in the worst of times but before I loved myself I hated my life. Nothing about it made me feel good but others came up to Me and said "You inspire me" they spoke highly of me and I felt like they were talking about a complete stranger because I felt broken, meaningless and hopeless. In public I seemed well put together. Always shared some tips, cracked a few jokes and seemed like I'd frolic in a field of flowers or burst into a happy song. I was miserable and I thought I'd love myself, No I wanted to love myself when everything was going my way until I started expressing self love in the worst of storms and God played a huge role. He never gave up on Me while I had given up on myself. I started seeing hope and seeing myself the way I should. I allowed my struggles to devalue me and make me feel worthless when I was always special all along. Yes! I'm special alright. So what are you going through? Is it messing with your worth? Don't let it. You're Powerful and can overcome it. Love is POWER. tap into it. Hope this helps.

Love (Sweet Love) by Little Mix is the national anthem of self.

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