Faith Avenue: Salvation & Faith.
Faith Avenue: Salvation & Faith
Welcome to another fresh offering of faith, served to bless. Enjoy.
Moses spoke to the people: "Don't be afraid. Stand firm and watch GOD do his work of salvation for you today. Take a good look at the Egyptians today for you're never going to see them again.
Salvation thrives with faith and not with fear. The first work of salvation is redemption from sin and it is through faith and not through fear that one can have access to this privilege. To enjoy the benefits of salvation, one thing that must be completely eradicated is fear. Faith is what gives you access to enjoy everything in God, everything from God and everything through God. Fear had always been an impediment to coming close to God and it is only by faith that it can be crushed.
According to the focal scripture for today's devotional message, the Bible elucidates how Moses told the Israelites not to be afraid so as for them to see God do His work of salvation. Anything God will do will require that you give up your fear to take up what He has prepared for you. God wants to do His work of salvation in your life but that work can only begin and continue when you don't entertain fear. The work of salvation that God has began in your life will only continue when you keep nurturing your faith in Him. The more you nurture your faith, the more the root of fear within you withers.
Fear has denied so many people their right because everyone has the right to be saved by grace but it can only happen through faith and not through fear. Christ died for the whole world so that by their faith in what He has done, they can be saved. The work of salvation that God wants to do in your life is to save you from your sins and then from your distresses and destructions. It is your faith in what Christ has done that will give God the access to start the good work of redeeming you from the slave market of sin and complete it by delivering you from the power and kingdom of darkness. In [NKJV] Psalm 27:1a, the Bible says; The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? It is faith and not fear that will activate the work of salvation that God wants to do in your life and keep it running. Salvation and fear are never on the same lane and will never be. Draw out your faith today and let the work of salvation that God wants to do in your life begin.
PRAYER: Father, I thank You for the revelation of Your Word. Now that I know that it is faith and not fear that will activate the work of salvation that God wants to do in my life and keep it running. Please Lord, help me to nurture my faith always so that it can activate the work of salvation that You want to begin in my life and keep it running in Jesus Christ name.
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Happy Holidays & God Bless.
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