God saved you by his special favor when you believed. And you can't take credit for this; it is a gift from God.
Grace is simply God's special favor and it is by it that salvation was established. How God saved you from your sins is as a result of the special favor you have obtained in the sight of God. Salvation is also a gift from God because it took the gift of His only begotten son for all men to be saved from their sins. You can't take any credit for the salvation of your soul because it didn't happen because you did anything but because God did everything. Even though you believed in what Christ has done for you to be able enjoy what has been made available but the credit for the salvation of your soul goes to the One who gave Himself for you so that you won't perish but have everlasting life.
According to the focal scripture for today's devotional message, the Bible elucidates how God saved every Christ believer. God saves a man by His special favor when the man believes in what Christ has done. Christ came to give His life as a ransom to redeem you from the dominion and power of darkness. God made Christ who had no sin to become sin for you, so that in Him you can become the righteousness of God. Christ took upon Himself the guilt and condemnation of your sins so that you can be justified. You have done nothing for God to let go of His Son because of you. You have done nothing for God to give His Son in exchange for your soul.
What you now do and who you are now is by the effect of God's grace which is His special favor that you have obtained. Apostle Paul in [NLT] 1 Corinthians 15:10 testifies about God's special favor by saying; But whatever I am now, it is all because God poured out his special favor on me--and not without results. For I have worked harder than all the other apostles, yet it was not I but God who was working through me by his grace. God saved you by His special favor and it is through that special favor that He has been working in and through you. Even before you got saved, God has special interest in you and He can't just let you go. God's special interest in you birthed the special favour you obtained from Him to be saved. Enjoy this special favor to the fullest.
PRAYER: Father, I thank You for the revelation of Your Word. Now that I know that You saved me by Your special favor and it is through that special favor that You have been working in and through me. Please Lord, do not let me treat Your special favour as meaningless so that as it has saved me, it can also strengthen me to do what You want me to do and transform me into who You want me to be in Jesus Christ name.
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