Faith Avenue: The Protocols That Can Be Broken By Your Faith.
Faith Avenue: The Protocols That Can be Broken By Your Faith.
It's impossible to please God apart from faith. And why? Because anyone who wants to approach God must believe both that he exists and that he cares enough to respond to those who seek him.
There is a protocol that can be broken by fixing your faith in God Himself and that protocol is the protocol of seeking Him in vain. There is a result that comes with seeking God and that result is that you will definitely find Him. Without faith, it is very very impossible for you to seek God and find Him. It is your faith in God that will break the protocol that wants you to keep seeking Him in vain. The work that your faith does in seeking God is that it helps you to acknowledge Him for who He is and then helps you to find Him. To truly acknowledge God for who He is, you must believe that He exists and that's exactly what will break the protocol that wants you to seek Him in vain. Seeking God in vain is simply to seek for Him and not find Him. God is not difficult to find if you believe that He exists and you acknowledge Him for who He is.
According to the focal scripture for today's devotional message, the Bible elucidates how impossible it is to please God without faith. Without faith, you can approach God but He won't respond to you. The very essence of approaching God is so that He can respond to you but once your faith in Him is not steadfast, you will approach Him through every possible means but you won't get any response from Him and that is what seeking Him in vain simply means. Seeking God in vain is seeking for His response and yet get no response. When your approach to seeking God is pleasing to Him, He will surely respond to you. There is a protocol that won't stop you from seeking God but will stop you from finding Him or getting a response from Him and that protocol is the protocol of seeking God in vain.
The only thing that can break the protocol of seeking God in vain is your faith in God. Once your faith in God is steadfast and you truly acknowledge that He exists, He will be pleased to respond to you when you seek Him with all your heart. God will never hide from those who wants to seek Him with all their heart but He will never reveal Himself to anyone who doesn't believe that He exists. When you believe that God truly exists, He will respond to you with a revelation of Himself when you seek to find Him. Anyone that doesn't believe that God exists will never find Him. To seek God in order to find Him, you must believe that He exists and He will give you a response that will get your faith in Him as God deeply rooted. The protocol of seeking God in vain can be broken if only you can believe that He exists and approach Him with faith in your heart that you will find Him and acknowledge Him for who He is.
PRAYER: Father, I thank You for the revelation of Your Word. Now that I know that the only thing that can break the protocol of seeking You in vain is my faith in You. Please Lord, help me to believe in Your existence as God so that each time I approach You with faith in my heart, You can always respond to me with a revelation of Yourself in Jesus Christ name.
A Blessed & Happy Friday.
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