PsychUp Avenue: Erectile dysfunction
Erectile Dysfunction
Since we focusing on men this month, let's take a closer look at one of the issues that the majority of men are concerned or worried about. YES! Believe it or not, the majority of men are concerned and worried about their A-game in the bedroom, or anywhere else... Statistics have shown that most men are concerned with pleasing a woman under the sheets and should a man not succeed in this, a part of him feels ripped off...
Sexual dysfunction do not only affect men, they affect women too, but they are more visible or noticeable in men, basically just like how an erection is more visible in men than women. An easy indication of how worried men are about their A-game is the number of products out there on the market that promise to enhance or improve sexual performance for men. I don't recall a blue pill being made for women, have you?
There are a lot of reasons that little John might disappoint you in the bedroom and take a quick nap when he's most needed. There are different types of erectile dysfunctions, but we'll just touch on some of the causes for now. The most basic explanation of an erectile dysfunction is the inability to to get and keep an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse. DEAR MEN, HAVING ERECTION TROUBLE FROM TIME TO TIME ISN'T NECCESSARILY A CAUSE FOR CONCERN, there are a lot of reasons why Little John would want to take a power nap. However, if the erection problem is ongoing, then maybe you should be worried.
Believe it or not, getting aroused is not as simple as one might think, it's a complex process and that's why there could a number of reasons for arousal problems. have you ever had to receive a phone call while you were aroused? Surely lil John started wobbling a bit or even took a complete nap. hormones and emotions may cause difficulty in getting aroused, so when you are not in a good space and lil John doesn't respond, do not panic.
However, erectile dysfunction may be cased by heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity and Parkinson's disease amongst others. tobacco use and sleep disorders also contribute to arousal issues. Having low testosterone levels is likely to result in erectile dysfunctions. There are psychological factors that contribute to arousal difficulties, such as depression, stress and anxiety.
having an erectile dysfunction may cause an unsatisfactory sex life. Like mentioned before, men are concerned with pleasing women in the bedroom, or the kitchen, living room or even in the car, wherever they prefer. It may also cause some embarrassment and low self-esteem or even getting your partner pregnant.
Once you start having erectile issues, it is advisable to see your doctor, but also stop smoking if you are a smoker and limit or avoid alcohol. try to exercise regularly as this will increase the blood flow in your body. try by all means to reduce your stress, anxiety and depression. Erectile functions can be a huge knock on a man, that's why there are so many products and programs to combat this issue, such as men's clinic. There's absolutely no harm in seeking for help...
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