Faith Avenue: Protocols That Can Be Broken By Your Obedience.
Now the LORD had said to Abram: "Get out of your country, From your family And from your father's house, To a land that I will show you. [2] I will make you a great nation; I will bless you And make your name great; And you shall be a blessing.
Obedience to God's Word is a force that can break rigid protocols and the protocol it can also break is the protocol of remaining less than who God wants you to become. What do I mean by being less than who God wants you to become? God's plan is to make you become great and anything less than that is a protocol that need to be broken. Obedience is an act that helps a man to cut a covenant of becoming great with God. Becoming great is part of the fundamental packages that your obedience to God's Word will release to you. You cannot be committed to obeying God's Word and remain less than who He wants you to be. God wants you to become great and you will begin your journey into the realm of unlimited greatness when you are committed to obeying His Word.
According to the focal scripture for today's devotional message, the Bible elucidates how the Word of the Lord came to Abram to leave his country, his family and his father's house. The journey that made Abraham to become great and a force to reckon with started the day he began to obey God. The moment you begin to obey God's Word, you have just began the journey into the realm of unlimited greatness. God will launch you into the realm of greatness when you are committed to obeying His Word. No one has ever obeyed God's Word and remained less than who He wants them to be. There is no specific limit to the height of greatness that you can attain in life as long as you remain committed to obeying God's Word.
God had the plan to make Abraham become a great nation, to bless him, to make his name great and to make him become a blessing but the reality of the plan hinges on the obedience of the man. The plan and purpose of God that will launch you into the realm of unlimited greatness hinges on your consistent obedience to His Word. Abraham was just a person before the word of the Lord came to him but as He committed himself to obeying God, he became a great nation. You will only become who God wants you to be when you commit yourself to obeying His Word. Abraham obeyed God and the protocol that wants him to become less than who God wants him to be was completely broken. As you commit yourself to obeying God, every protocol that wants you to become less than who He wants you to be will be broken completely.
PRAYER: Father, I thank You for the revelation of Your Word. Now that I know that no one has ever obeyed Your Word and remained less than who You want them to be. Please Lord, give me the grace to remain committed to obeying Your Word so that the protocol that wants me to remain less than who You want me to be can be broken completely in Jesus Christ name.
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